
Below are links to articles posted in Troubleshooting.

Do Not Buy a Plastic Greenhouse

In 2010 I blogged about a new little greenhouse I had bought covered in plastic. I bought it at Lowes and was pretty happy with it, it allowed me to start seeds early outdoors (I have problems indoors due to a lack of a south facing window, kids, and cats). I gave it a pretty […]

Trees Bent Over From Snow

Southern gardeners may not be familiar with this, but us Northerners know it well. When you get a certain kind of snow, a wet snow, a heavy snow, a snow that is really a combination of snow and ice created at temperatures around the freezing point, it sticks to things. This wet snow probably brings […]

Dealing with Daylily Aphids

I grow a lot of daylilies, I have grown a lot of daylilies for years. This year I have had an infestation of daylily aphids. This has never happened before, I’m not sure why I was spared previous years, or hit this year. I think maybe the high rain earlier in the summer allowed the […]

Rogue Climber

I awoke to a disappointing sight the other day, some fiend had meandered through my front yard, pooping, and eating leaves off plants. This would be bad enough, but what is worse, it tried to climb up my honeycrisp apple tree, and then I assume out onto the two lowest scaffold branches, and it broke […]

FAIL! My Fargesia Nitida Bamboo is Flowering.

Woe is me. My bamboo is flowering. Bamboo Flower Close-up Now, up where I live, there is only one bamboo that can really grow. Fargesia Nitida, a clumping Chinese mountain bamboo that is hardy to zone 5. The thing about bamboo, it doesn’t flower, it doesn’t flower for decades, a century, then it flowers and […]

My Favorite Tree Died, A Lesson in Plant Biology

My favorite tree has died. I have blogged about it a lot, and the posts will be mentioned below in the related posts section. It was a Forest Pansy Redbud. I’ve had bad luck with the spot that I planted it. It is very full sun, from dawn to dusk, I had two weeping cherries […]

Split Trunk Repair Update

Last Fall my favorite tree, a forest pansy redbud, was damaged in a wind storm and ended up with a split trunk. In that linked to blog post I detailed my methods for fixing the damage. The tree made it through the winter and both halves are still alive, but growing at different rates. Below […]

How to fix a tree with a split trunk from wind damage

Readers of this blog will know that my favorite tree is my forest pansy redbud, indeed the related posts you’ll find at the bottom of this missive will point to the other blog posts where I have mentioned it. I love this tree because it has spring interest, in the form of the standard pink […]

San Francisco’s New Composting Law

I just heard about this on the news. Apparently today a new law in San Francisco took affect, enacting the strictest trash ordinance in the country. Everyone either has to compost at home, or get a separate bin to put their compostables in for curbside pickup, or be fined with fines starting at $100 for […]

Smelly Soupy Poopy Compost Tumbler

Composting is not an exact science, and even someone who has used a compost tumbler for a long time like me can mess up. I use my compost tumbler in the following way: I take brown paper bags and while cooking put scraps of veggies, peels, watermelon rinds, etc, in the bags. Then I toss […]

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