How to Grow Honeydew Melons

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Days to germination: 5 to 10 days
Days to harvest: 80 to 100 days
Light requirements: Full sun
Water requirements: Regularly until fruit is developed
Soil: Loose, fertile and draining
Container: Shorter varieties work best


The flesh of a honeydew is creamy pale to very light green, and is a great fruit to grow for anyone who doesn’t want to maintain an orchard. For cooler areas with shorter growing seasons, you can try growing Earlidew melons. They mature in 80 days. Unlike the rough cantaloupe, a honeydew melon is smooth-skinned so don’t confuse the two.

The fruit is typically eaten fresh and raw, with most of the melon being edible once you scoop out the cluster of seeds in the center. Melon is a wonderful source of vitamins C and A, and there is also potassium and magnesium in the them.

Starting from Seed

If you have a long growing season, you can probably plant your seeds right out in the garden if you wish. Otherwise, it’s a good idea to get your seeds going indoors so you can get a head start on the season.

Melons have pretty delicate roots, so you will want to make your transplanting as easy as possible later. It’s best to start your seeds in paper or other compost-able pots so that you don’t damage the seedlings at planting time.

Start your seeds about a month before the frost date, sowing the seeds about an inch under the loose potting soil. Keep them warm and well-watered.


Your seedlings can be planted out about 3 weeks after the last frost date, after the soil has warmed up. When you plant your seedlings, rip or break open the bottom of the seedling pots and plant the entire thing. Seedlings can be placed in small hills (2 or 3 plants per hill), leaving 2 to 3 feet between each group. Honeydew melons will spread out quite a bit.

Before you plant, prepare the soil with some thorough digging and aged manure (or compost). Honeydew melon roots will suffer if there are too many rocks in the soil.

If you’ve decided to plant your seeds into the garden rather than as seedlings, you will be planting them out around the same time. Dig your soil well, and space out your seeds the same as if you were putting out seedlings (in hills, a few feet apart). You may want to plant a few seeds extra and thin out afterwards to make sure you get enough sprouts.

For smaller gardens, you can try to grow honeydew melons on a trellis to save all that spreading space. You’ll need some solid support and a way to keep the melons from snapping of the vines as they grow. Put your trellis up before you plant your seedlings, or the stakes may damage the roots later on.

Growing Instructions

Melons will need a lot of water as the plants are growing, but you don’t want to overdo it once the fruit is forming. If you water too often, you can end up with watery bland fruit. Sweeter melons come from letting your plants stay a bit on the dry side during growth. Of course, you don’t want to kill your plants either. It can take some experience, but the if you let the soil dry out between waterings, you should get the desired results.

If you can keep your growing melons off the soil, you will greatly reduce any damage from insects or rot. Slide an old flower pot dish, coffee can lid or a broken floor tile under each fruit. Don’t use a piece of wood as that will just absorb moisture from the soil and actually speed up any rot.

For melons growing on a trellis, you have to keep a close eye on the growing fruit. The vines won’t be able to support them, so you will need to give support to the melons as well as the vines. Soft fabric can be used like a hammock under each one, as long as you are careful not to break the vines when you attach it.


You can grow honeydews in a container, but the vines will still grow for several feet over the edges unless you are using a trellis. And even with a large container, a loaded trellis of melons and vines will likely be top-heavy. Basically, containers can be awkward but a viable option for growing your honeydew melons. Use a 5-gallon pail (or larger) for each plant.

Pests and Diseases

Bacterial wilt is one of the most problematic diseases for any melon plant, but you can get some varieties that have been bred to be resistant. Wilt can survive in your soil for several years, so you can help to keep it from becoming a problem by rotating your crops and not growing honeydew melons (or cantaloupes) in the same garden space every year. If your melons sudden wilt, as quickly as overnight, then this is likely the problem and there is no treatment. Dig up the effected plants immediately, and hope it hasn’t spread.

The leaves can get seriously damaged by some other vegetable garden pests: cucumber beetles. You may want to plant your melons away from any cucumber or squash plants, but these insects are so wide-spread that it may not help. Pick them off when you see them, and spray the leaves regularly with a natural insecticide.

Low-growing melon vines can also get a powdery white mildew on their leaves, though it is less of a problem with trellised plants. Spray with fungicide if you see it forming. It’s usually not a serious problem unless it starts to kill off the leaves.

Harvest and Storage

Honeydew melons have to fully ripen before they are picked, so don’t plan on picking any early. The skin will turn very pale, almost white when the melon is ready to pick and the fruit should come off the vine with hardly any pressure.

You can’t really store your melons for any long-term use, so plan on enjoying them while they are still fresh. Honeydews store fine in the refrigerator for a week or two at the longest.

Your melons can handle a light frost, but are not that cold-tolerant. When the first frost date is approaching, try to harvest any remaining melons. Covering the plants can help if an unseasonal frost is expected.

12 Responses to “How to Grow Honeydew Melons”

  1. Barbara Worth  Says:

    Thanks for the melon info. I need to know how many hours of light per day are required for the vine to produce. I have cantelopes and something that tastes like Honeydew.

    I’m in northwest Arkansas and want to try melons in my passive solar greenhouse. I want to plant the seeds in large pots this week. 🙂

  2. Cheralyn  Says:

    Any advice on what happened to my melons? I had 2 very beautiful vines with many blossoms, went on vacation for 10 days and when I came back all of the leaves were dead! My neighbor was supposed to water and we did get rain so I wonder if they were sick or just dried up. Any advice? There are a few small fruits growing and the vines still look healthy but all of the leaves are dried and brown 🙁

  3. Eva  Says:

    You grow them in full sun, so around 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight everyday

  4. carol parrish  Says:

    Thanks for info. Tried starting seeds in house but seeds never sprouted. Temp could be a factor. Is it too late to start indoors or should I plant them outdoors?

  5. John Sime  Says:

    I live in Cheltenham Gloucestershire U.K.
    Can I use this information here?
    As I have a 16’6″squared and paved patio(5mx5), I grow 5 green bean plants, tomato plants and potato plants (all in pots).
    We both enjoy Honedews for breakfast and I’m wondering if I can grow my own!

  6. Vidal  Says:

    When I started my seeds, I removed the hard outer shell of the seed then put is on a wet cotton ball and placed it in a ziplock bag and kept it under a 15watt light. in about 24 hours the seedling already started forming its root, and in about 5 days had leaves! 🙂

  7. martin burgess  Says:

    I discarded my HD melon seeds in my closed compost container and was surprised that all the seeds sprouted in a short space of time. The compost was moist on top and the container was exposed to some sun.

  8. Adelakun Samuel  Says:

    Dear sir, is honeydew a product of hot climate temprature and what temprature required for fruiting. I leave in Nigeria ogun State.

  9. Adelakun Samuel  Says:

    Dear Sir,
    I want to plant honeydew in Ogun State, South Western Nigeria.
    What temperature is required for maximum germination and fruiting.

  10. judy frazier  Says:

    I’m a seed saver… I have volunteer melon vines in a mostly shaded spot. The plants came up from between limestone patio pieces. This year we were gifted with frequent rainfall. So far, only two melons, but I am still happy about them.


    Dear Sir,
    I want to plant honeydew in Ebonyi State,Eastern Nigeria.What temperature is required for maximum germination and fruiting.

  12. Bethany  Says:

    I have to do a science fair project on honeydew seeds from the package and from the honeydew melon. How come my honeydew seeds that I planted straight from the honeydew melon never sprouted? I watered them everyday and gave them full sun light, so why didn’t they sprout. Please answer me very soon. My science fair projects due in one day.

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