Ask a Question, Get an Answer

April 13th, 2007

I’m not a master gardener, but I’d like to be one day, and of what I know, I think I know a great deal.

Anyways, in checking the statistics for this blog I noticed many people visit here looking for answers to specific questions, questions that may not have been answered already in the blog. If you’re one of these people, you can ask me a question and I’ll do my best to answer it.

Simply visit the forums and register. You’ll need to confirm your email address, that means you’ll get an email with an activation code or link that you’ll have to use. The activation email may get blocked by a spam filter, so be sure to look in your junk mail folder for it if you cannot find it, it should arrive in 5 minutes or less after you register. Once you have registered you can find the most appropriate subforum for your question, such as Landscape Design or Edible Gardening, and then look for the “New Thread” button to post your question.

If your question is about any plant I grow, I’ll probably know the answer. If your question is about a plant I don’t grow, I might know it, or I’ll try to find it. I know I won’t be able to answer every question, but I hope I can answer most.

72 Responses to “Ask a Question, Get an Answer”

  1. John Geer  Says:

    What can I use as a privacy screen that will groe to 8′? I have previously used oleander, I would like to try Red Tip Photinia but have heard they are prone to fungus. Do you have any suggestions.

  2. Hilary Armstrong  Says:

    Our banana trees froze after 5 nights of mid-20s in New Orleans. They haven’t shown signs of coming back. Should I dig them up?

  3. monica bendele  Says:

    I have some hyacinth, and other early spring bulbs that I forgot to plant last year. What will happen if I put them in the ground, now?
    Boulder, Co

  4. Tina  Says:

    Our neighborhood has been infested with horrible mildew and aphids. Euyonomis’ have been hit the hardest even well established one. Does anyone have an non convential way of treating this? We have tried all the convential treatments.

  5. Administrator  Says:

    Mildew is a fungus, Aphids are a bug. Two different issues.

    I will address the aphids, they are a soft bodied insect, very very susceptible to predators (ladybugs, wasps), and pesticides.

    Consider dusting the plants affected with diatamaceous earth (I probably mispelled it). It is a rock dust harmless to us big creatures, but like razor blades to soft small bugs.

  6. Tina  Says:

    Thanks for the advice for the aphids. I was wondering if anyone has been infested with a bug that leaves a mildewy/sticky residue. I have tried spraying with water, dusting, chemical sprays, systemic treatments and spraying with chemicals as well to no avail. None have worked.
    Usually one treatment or another will work on the average bugs. These are bulletproof so far.

  7. Administrator  Says:

    APhids can leave what is called honeydew on the leaves, Ants like to eat it. So you will sometimes see Ants literally farming aphids like humans do cows, seriously. Mother nature.

  8. Ashley Hofferth  Says:


    I’ve recently aquired an American Plum sappling. I promply planted it. Since it’s been so warm & wet, it’s growing like crazy. This morning I found it had fallen over from being too top heavy. It’s roots are still in the ground & nothing broke off (since it’s so young & flexible). This little guy is probably about 1.5 feet tall.

    My question is: Should I stake the new tree to give it some support while it matures? If so, what sort of materials are good to promote a healthy trunk & root system for its early beginning?

    Thank you for your time,


  9. arus  Says:

    I planted sweet basil seeds in a cheap potting soil in a 10″ terracotta container indoors in a balcony four weeks back. The seedlings are about 1″ now. I had fertilized them with an organic fish emulsion fertilizer once around 2.5 weeks after I planted them. I also check the drainage and watering and do not overwater and do not let the soil dry out. It receives around 6 hours of direct sunlight everyday. I can see a yellow shade at the base of a few leaves. I read about planting basil and found that it needs a nutrient-rich soil. I feel this might be the reason of the yellowness in the leaves. I would like to change the potting soil but not sure how should I go about it. I would be very grateful if you could help.

  10. Administrator  Says:

    Being so small you may be overreacting, but yellowing can be a nitrogen deficiency.

    Also, basil really likes sun, so if you can increase the hours of full sun that would be beneficial.

  11. Phyllis Petrolito  Says:

    I re-potted coleous and brought them inside..they are not doing well..leaves are falling do I keep them indoors and well this winter?

  12. Mark  Says:

    My flowering pear tree is as tall as my two story house can i trim it down three or four feet.
    and when can i do it

  13. bob  Says:

    I need to know what is wrong with my Wisteria vine. It is growing on an aluminum trellis manufactured by Alumacart. The trellis is umbrella shaped and is designed to cause plants to form a canopy like a tree. The vine seems to do fine until it works its way around the trellis, at which point it withers. I water and fertilize regularly, and the soil pH is OK. I am located in South Florida. My other vines are all doing fine. Any suggestions?

  14. Pushbroom  Says:

    I love the site. Can you tell me how to overwinter dahlia bulbs as mine keep molding?

  15. kathy  Says:

    I have a black lace elderberry, do you know if a cutting will root in water? I also have a 1-inch stem on the plant that is 6ft. long . Do you think if I cut it off and stick it in the ground about a foot it might root, to make another plant? Any info would be appreciated. Thank you, Kathy

  16. Damien  Says:

    can i grow cauliflower in may

  17. Sandy  Says:

    My lime tree was loaded with baby fruit and they are gradually disappearing from the tree. Fruit is nearing 1″ diameter – they are not dropped on the ground. Any ideas on what birds/animals steal immature limes? I am near the gulf coast of west Florida. (maybe I need a web cam to catch the culprits in the act?)
    Thanks for any help!

  18. liz  Says:

    I live in north jersey – when I take my morning walk I see a large tree with blackberries or bosenberries on it and all over the sidewalk. Can i pick these berries and eat them?

  19. Administrator  Says:

    No Liz. All bramble berries (rasp, black, and boysen) are shrub plants. If it is coming from a tree, that isn’t a bramble berry. Definitely something else.

  20. Joe  Says:


    My German Shepherd has been using my back yard for the past 2 years as his bathroom (urine and feces) and my kids have not always been diligent cleaning up after him. Will I ever be able to have a garden in my back yard?


  21. Jesse Wood  Says:

    Some experts say that it is not necessary to seal pruned limbs and may cause more harm than good. Neighbor just cut several 4″ to 10″ limbs from my huge oak tree that hung over into his property. We get along but I wished he would have waited till fall. And then there is the question of whether I now need to go back and seal those limbs. Some were not cut at the proper angle. One in particular is angled UP! He had this done by a local trimmer. Should I seal? If so, asphalt or non?

  22. Graham Jackson  Says:

    I’ve recently bought an orange tree at a Garden Centre, where it was stored outside at around zero degrees (perhaps even slightly colder). It looked healthy though when I bought it.

    I’ve brought it home and put in in my apartment, in front of an east facing window (its in a pot, which drains), and ensured that its watered. It is at about 20 degrees inside. In the space of just 2/3 days all the leaves are curling, drying out and falling off – I think within another 5 days there will be no leaves left – can you help?

    I’ve look for signs of pest, but I don’t think its this.

    Could it be the shock of the temperature change?
    Could it be getting too warm in the window?
    Could its roots be too warm/cold?
    Could it have sustained damage outside at the garden centre?

    Any help would be great.

    Many Thanks


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