Hot and Humid

July 31st, 2006

I haven’t been posting much because I haven’t been gardening much, it has just been too hot and too humid. Our heat index has been between 90-100 for the past week.

It also sucks because I can’t even take good pictures of my garden to blog about things (and I like to have pictures with each post) because the camera lense fogs up from the humidity as soon as I take it outside.

Luckily it has been raining and with that and the humidity I haven’t had to water anything, which otherwise I’d have to do a ton of in this kind of heat.

One cool thing though, today when out picking raspberries for my breakfast I saw two tiny baby bunnies (4-5 inches). So the wildlife refuge has grown.

One Response to “Hot and Humid”

  1. Robert  Says:

    Well our hot humid summer has been replaced by a really wet fall.

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