Got it, so attach the climbers to the wire fencing Thankyou.

I'm not dead set on my current idea. I'm always open to suggestions. I'm not really looking to make a hedge or anything in front of the climbers. More like planting bushes in front and inbetween the climbing plants... if that makes any sense.
My problem is that full sun is in short supply in most areas around the edges of my backyard. Only one side of the yard gets full sun.. which ummm I think is the north side. I would need to get a compass to be 100% sure, I get a little mixed up trying to remember directions lol. So I suppose I am trying to get the most rose enjoyment I can in such a small space.

Doing any type of beds or plantings in the middle of the backyard or away from the fencelines at all in the back is almost out of the questions. Being a dog trainer I need every bit of open space for various training activities. The areas I'm not using for training are at the very back of the yard and are very shaded with lots of trees blending into woods so we are planning a woodland type/ shade garden there since it isn't really good for much else.

The front yard is also pretty shaddy Leave it to me to fall in love with a plant and have nowhere to put it :P

Maybe I will just have to be content with the climbers for now and some smaller plants in front if anything at all.... maybe a small border with mini roses? That might be easy to keep far enough away that they won't touch. Otherwise I suppose my best bet would be hardy tea roses of some kind...

Guess it's a good thing that I'm on a newlywed's budget and cannot just go out and spend big bucks on a whole bunch of plants all at once without first having to really think through my garden plans