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Thread: Hot Peppers

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  1. #1


    All I know that there are many varieties of hot peppers. I know my neighbor grew some last year and they were really hot.

  2. #2


    I'm guessing here, but I imagine that the heat will increse as the fruit matures.

    The easiest way of ensuring you have different strengths would be to grow different varieties though.

  3. #3
    New Users Sam Reeves's Avatar
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    I guess I worded it wrong.

    I was wondering if there was any way to prepare the soil that would cause the pepper to to hotter or milder.

  4. #4


    I think there are different kind of seed available for hot and not so hot peppers...and basically they need warm climates with moist soil....
    I found a link which describes the growing of peppers...see if it helps...

  5. #5


    The key is that chilli's like the heat the most more than any other plant you have to make sure that your chilli is getting plenty of heat to make it thrive really well. Not all of them need that much heat as do others, but the hottest ones you can grow in a greenhouse.

  6. #6
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    Jalapenos are great but Ive recently wanted more heat so I love to get habaneros. I once put an entire one in my mouth and it felt like a grenade exploded in there it was a fun time.

  7. #7


    The key to a Jalapenos heat is the lines that grow on them. And cooking them with the seeds inside. But here are a few more tips!
    Chile plants are slow to get going, so start pepper plants indoors a few weeks earlier than tomatoes. Sow the seeds about 8 to 12 weeks before the last frost date.
    Sow several seeds 1/4-inch deep in 2-to 3-inch earth-friendly containers such as peat pots filled with lightly moistened seed starting mix. Water well and place the pots in a well-lighted, warm area (80º to 85ºF) such as under fluorescent lights. To prevent the seedlings from damping off, keep the soil damp but not wet, and provide good air circulation around the plants. Feed the seedlings with half-strength water-soluble nitrogen fertilizer every two weeks. When seedlings are about two inches tall, thin to one plant per pot by cutting out the smaller ones. Once the plants are about five inches tall and the nighttime temperatures are above 60ºF, harden the plants off by slowly acclimatizing the peppers to the garden.

    After two weeks, plant them in the garden. Peppers need full sun, rich soil [SIZE="4"](amended with compost, well-rotted manure, or leaf mold)[/SIZE] and good drainage. Allow two feet between plants. If the peppers are starting to produce flower buds, pinch them off and continue to do this for 1 to 2 weeks; this forces the plants to put their energy into growing leaves and roots. Mulch with 2 to 3 inches of organic matter. Mulch keeps weed growth down and maintains soil moisture. Stake varieties that grow taller than 2 feet. To avoid problems with cutworms (they can chew young seedlings off at the soil line) place two-inch-tall cardboard or aluminum foil collars around the new plants—with 1-inch below soil level and 1-inch above.

    Oh yeah and PLUCK PLUCK CHICKEN TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

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