Quote Originally Posted by justjoy View Post
Hi Serenity, what about some sort of rock garden? You could place the rocks any way you wanted them and then grow the appropriate types of plants, mosses, etc. that would work in a rock garden type of setting. Good luck
Thanks for the suggestion, justjoy. I don't know, rock gardens have never held much of an appeal for me, I'm afraid. It could be that I just haven't seen any that sufficiently grabbed my attention, in fairness. I'll keep the idea in mind though, thank you.

Hostas are supposed to be excellent in shady areas. If you created a terraced rock garden they would look nice!
SageMother, I've heard that, yes, but it had slipped my mind. I need to look into them more because my only experience of them were plain green ones that I didn't like which a family member had but I believe they come in a far wider range of colors. Thanks for the reminder.