I dropped this question here yesterday in hopes of getting some conversation going. Yes I could have googled my question, but I like to hear from real people out in the trenches that can relate to my plight. In the 14 years that I have owned this house, last summer was the first time I have ever had an aphid problem. 90% of my flowers are perennials, and I do grow three raised beds of tomatoes, cukes, zukes, radishes, peppers, and carrots. Not a big production, but like many, we do love our fresh from the garden veggies. After a quick search online the best defense for aphids seems to be a simple one from this site. http://www.gopetsamerica.com/garden/...ol/aphids.aspx Cheap enough, and will not hurt the good insects.
This fragrant mix will halt an aphid invasion fast. It'll also kill any foul fungi that might be lingering on your plants:
1 tbsp. of Garlic Oil
3 drops of dishwashing liquid
1 qt. of water

Mix these ingredients together in a blender, and pour the solution into a hand-held sprayer. Then take aim and fire. Within seconds, those bugs'll be all history.
There's more on that site, but this one really strikes my fancy.