Quote Originally Posted by cattail View Post
Hi Nick,

you're not too late to start yet and you can sow the seeds directly into the garden soil. But you may need to wait another couple weeks for it to be consistently warm enough. You want soil temperatures above 65F as corn does not like cold wet soil. We're in the Pacific NW as well, and right now our soil temperature is in the high 50s, still too cold. We did start our corn in our greenhouse, but most people don't. We still have not outplanted our starts yet either.

As to what to plant, I would strongly suggest organic to make sure you avoid GMOs because they are not necessarily labeled as GMO. Here is a good article on what to plant in a vegetable garden that talks about growing corn and what you should consider when growing corn in a home vegetable garden.

This is the local corn we're growing: Golden Bantam Sweet Corn ACN111 from Abundant Life Seeds. They are an organic seed company local to the Pacific Northwest.

Hope this helps!
Thanks Cattail, your input is very helpful. Growing a non-GMO is important to me.
I'm gonna go with your recommendation. Its looks like good corn.

What soil mixture do you use to grow your corn?

Can you tell me how many ounces of seed you think ill need for my 6' x 20' area?
Also, do you have any advise on planting them?

