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Thread: What's going on in your garden?

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  1. #1


    Thinking of growing some cherry guavas and papayas.. they're more tropical and I live in Cypress -- bad idea?
    There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.
    -Marshall McLuhan

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Utah, USA

    Default Still snow here

    We woke up to snow Sunday. Although it has been a warm winter I don't plan on putting plants out until April.

    Started my Cabbage, Broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprout seeds. Hope to plant them in the hoop house in April. Come on Spring!

  3. #3


    I'm just starting my first garden. Though I have big plans . Tomatos, bok choy, carrots, onions, peas, beans, corn, and the list goes on. I've been double digging for the last few nights getting ready for the season.

    feel free to check it out:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Utah, USA


    Cabbage and broccoli plants have germinated. Has anyone had good success with broccoli in the spring?

  5. #5
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    Leander, TX


    First time vegetable gardener here. I was looking for some tips online when I stumbled into the gardening blog and found it to be very helpful!

    I have about an acre of Texas Hill Country to work with, but also have 3 dogs and a rich variety of local critters, so I chose to get started on the deck on the roof of my house... maybe a bit ambitious, but I'm starting out with a container garden: green beans, black beans, carrots, green onions, tomatoes, jalapenos, serranos, chiles, bell peppers as well as 2 large pots for pumpkins and watermelons of which all have emerged and are starting to grow I also planted a couple varieties of grapes. I'm also thinking of adding some herbs soon. My wife thinks we are going to have a jungle up there... and truth be told that's what I am going for! I have 3 munchkins to help with watering and a degree in plant pathology which I hope will pay some dividends down the road. We will see how it goes, but I'm thrilled to be off and going with this new endeavor. Bring on the veggies and fruits!!!

  6. #6


    Hey, good to have you here! That sounds like a very nice container garden project you've got going there. Hope you harvest a bunch! I'm in MI so we've got a little bit before we can safely get things in the ground. We've had some unseasonably warm weather, but we dare not plant yet. Typically we get things rolling right around the last week in April or the first/second week in May - that's usually when all danger of frost has passed. I'm going real simple with our garden this year. Besides our herbs in the herb garden it will likely be mostly bush beans and a variety of tomatoes. Possibly a small row of cucumbers. I may get a few peppers going in containers too - we'll see. A buddy of mine said he's got some ghost peppers for me. I've tasted them but never tried growing them. We'll see how it goes. Hope you have a great season!

  7. #7
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    Leander, TX


    Thanks nofear I put up a few "before" pics:

    Looks like you might get rolling a little sooner after all? it's really warm up there from what I've been seeing!

  8. #8


    I'm so excited to finally see my little seedlings popping up through the rockwool! SOON....I will place them in my NEW Tower Garden!!! and aboout 2 weeks......fresh~pesticide FREE~ veggies Any other Gardners using an airoponic growing system? Would love to hear your growing experiences!! Live~Life! Mo

  9. #9
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    Hey Mo, good to hear your seedlings are doing well! Make you sure you post pictures of your Tower Garden once the seedlings are in. Veggies in 2 weeks is pretty fast! What are you growing?

    Another great idea for small space gardening are home made containers, like pallet planters and recycled food grade barrels cut into tubs.

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  10. #10
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    Central Coast, Australia



    In my raised garden bed I sprinkled in no particlular order the following seeds, and yep , up they all popped
    Pumpkin,Tomatoes,Red Capsicum,Lemon Balm,Spinach-Viking,Lettuce-Cos Romaine,Parsley-Moss Curled
    Carrot-Early Nantes,Leek.

    Oriental Salad:Pak Choi,Chinese Cabbage Wong Bok,Red Giant mustard, Mizuna,Rosette Pak Choi,

    Italian Salad:Rocket,lettuce Lollo Rossa,Basil Genovese,Radicchio PalloRossa,Chicory,Catalogna,
    Cheers from Australia

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