Good for you, the gardening bug will bite you now for sure! We could be of more help to you if you can describe a little more what lines you're thinking along and give more information on the garden type itself.

For example, what type of soil do you have? Is it clay, sandy, rocky etc. What are the weather conditions like -full sun, partial sun, shaded? What about water - do you have periods of drought the plants will need to survive when there's a hosepipe ban?

How much space do you want to allocate for growing? What's best suited to you and how many of different types you can plant can depend a lot on how much room you have for plants to spread out. Bell pepper plants for example grow straight up and don't take up much space at all, whereas cucumbers will vine out in every direction. Beans will grow beautifully along a fence if you have one to plant them against.

How much time can you dedicate to working in your garden each week roughly? This helps you choose whether you need to go for low maintenance plants or can manage ones that need that extra bit of attention.

The clearer a picture you can give us, the better we can help. For the first time, I'd say use plants already started to increase your chances of success and keep you keen! Finding out what gardening zone you're in too will be helpful.