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Thread: New to Gardening - Need soil help

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  1. #1


    Hello, sounds like you have it dialed in, Good job on your choices...Yes, get a wheelbarrow, or lay out a tarp, mix the amendments, and then fill your beds...I would water it well, and let it settle and dry enough to plant first....
    Most garden soils if placed in a flower pot, or raised bed compact after successive waterings and restrict root growth, so your soil is no different...You've done good

  2. #2


    I agree... you've done a good job with your materials. I built a couple beds this year and filled it with almost all the same materials you did. I used about 60% organic garden soil - 10% sand (not the play sand) - 10%regular top soil - and about 20% peat. For good measure, I also mixed in a couple 5 gal buckets of my own compost. I also watered it and things are looking good. I've gone out and checked it a couple times and it appears the worms are getting in there and enjoying it, so that's good! I'd say you are definitely on the right track!
    Last edited by nofeargardener; 06-14-2011 at 07:39 PM.

  3. #3



    I finished filling the bed today. I have 2 cu.ft. of soil left and 1cu.ft. of peat left.

    I watered the soil, but the water was not draining through the soil. I would let it sit a few minutes and it would still be pooled up on the surface...then I'd use a pitch fork and underneath was completely dry.

    So someone told me that new soil can be water "repellent" a bit and to water it and mix it a couple times. So I did that....then I lost sun light. When I left it, it still seemed to be mostly mud.

    Did I do something wrong?? Is this other guy right in saying it is repellent at first?? Should I add more peat?? But doesn't peat hold water?? I'm totally baffled right now.

  4. #4


    no, the soil you have will soak the water up, it will just take some itme and turning it.
    When we start our garden bedding plants, I lay the potting soil out on plastic, and use a pump up sprayer to wet it, then cover and let it sit over night, next day it's ready to use, will then take water normally

  5. #5


    So everything is planted and growing well!! I have string beans and peas already growing.

    But the soil just doesn't seem right. When I water the garden, the water pools up on the surface and then runs down to a corner that is a low part of the garden. Today after watering, I dug into the garden and noticed that the soil underneath the top layer was not getting wet.

    What is going on here??

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