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Thread: tulips

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  1. #15

    Smile Some Tulip Advice

    Few things could be the problem....

    • When you got your tulip bulbs, were they rock hard, or a little soft? Tulip bulbs should be rock hard when you get them. Many suppliers try to store their bulbs, and the results are usually not good. They may have been duds from the beginning (sorry).
    • When you buy tulip bulbs, make sure they came from a source in the Netherlands if possible. And you will get what you pay for. Try one of the many "Darwin Hybrids" - Orange Emperor, Yellow Emperor, Red emperor, Tang Dynasty, and Holland’s Tulip. They perform well and can give you great blooms for 2 to 3 years.
    • If you think squirrels may have taken the bulbs, you can try putting down chicken wire over the top of them before winter. Then, in the spring when they first start to emerge, remove the chicken wire. You can also try putting down some cayenne pepper as a deterrent.
    • And be careful about too much water. Excess water, can cause tulip bulbs to rot in the ground. Make sure your soil is very well-drained.

    Hope this helps!!! Hang in there!!!
    Last edited by nofeargardener; 06-14-2011 at 07:42 PM.

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