Quote Originally Posted by DeLorean View Post
I live in Orem, Utah, and I am looking for something I can grow in doors. I rent a bedroom in a house, so I am somewhat limited to where I can put plants. I have two windows in my bedroom, one on the East, and one on the North side of the bedroom (although I do have some space outside my window on the East side of the house). I'd like something that I could find a descriptive guide to taking care of, and something that won't just die in one season.

I'm very new to growing... well, anything, so disregard any of the information I gave that is irrelevent and/or stupid!
My favorite house plants are African violets and spider plants. Both like a little water every day and the spider plant likes a misty spray also. The violets can line up on waterproof saucers on the windowsill and the spider plant makes a gorgeous hanging basket. Both plants did well in my windows which did not have too much sun. Begonias also bloom well in indirect sun.

Also, you could plant a vine outside your East window and attach it to wires or a trellis. My favorites are honeysuckle and trumpet vines. Lots of sweet blooms. When you put them in the ground, mix in peat moss with the soil and a little fertilizer. Just water every day or so the first year and when it is very hot. They are very easy to grow. Good luck!

Rose White, author of
Easy Gardens A to Z