Choose plants which require little water and are drought tolerant. Plants which have hard, leathery, tough leaves tend to grow in hot climates. Pomegranate trees and date palms even grow well and produce fruit in a desert. Succulents like aloe vera, agave, prickly pear, yucca and flowering cacti do well here because they have thick waxy leaves which have the ability to hold water for later. They shrink when thirsty and swell when fed water.

Your garden can include gravel beds planted with flowering cacti, bamboo, aloe, colorful sedum, salvia, ice plants, ornamental grasses such as Mexican feather grass, herbs such as rosemary and lavender, agaves and other plants which love the heat and do not require much water.

Drip irrigation and mulch are excellent ways to conservatively use water. Or install a water feature which irrigates the plants via a trench and then recycles the water. Use plastic flowerpots and planters which hold the moisture better than terracotta.

Create a rock garden covered with white stones and river rocks and build hard landscaping like patios and decks. Place tiles around a large palm tree as a focal point and have a sandstone walkway leading to it.

Rose White, author
"Easy Gardens A to Z"