Yup, the intend was the staple to wire to the wooden fence to give the rose something to climb. I assumed that a wooden privacy fence wouldn't give the plants anything to grip, and this climb.

Just so I understand correcltly... even if I put the wire on the wood fence I still will need to attach to rose at various points (as it grows) to the wire? It won't grip on it's own?

I am so excited to start a new garden in our new house, it seems like all we've done the last two weeks is eat, sleep, and talk about landscaping. Roses are my favorite and I really missed them while we were living in an appartment last year. The climbers are ment to be a backdrop for other rose plants which have yet to be selected. This will work won't it, provided I allow enough room between the plants for them to gorw and 'fill out" and enough room for pruning purposes (bleh, I hate that part lol).

The climbers are two joseph's coat's and two golden showers planted along the fenceline one JC, one GS and so on (I'm a real nut for patterns), any suggestions on good roses to plant in front of them to build my garden outwards from the fence? I was also thinking of planting baby's breath, has anyone else ever done that successfully in their rose garden? I saw a picture of it a few years back and loved it but am wondering if it's a good idea or not.