Quote Originally Posted by rigardengal View Post
Thank You! I've since 'ruffled up' the soil and that seamed to help a little bit with the drainage. I will next try poking holes in troubled areas. I have a compost bin 'working hard', so in the fall I should have some good 'stuff' to work in.

My sugar snap peas are just emerging, but my pole beans are slow. All my other plants look pretty healthy. What types of fertilizer do people use. I must go search the forum.
I like the slow release kind but I mix it into the soil when it's being tilled before planting. After that, I don't feed mine again in all honesty. Just be aware that you can feed them too much and do more damage than good so it's important to follow the directions on the box no matter what kind it is. Only thing I do is use 7-Dust to kill the bugs and beasties apart from a bit of hoeing, trimming and weeding.