I'm worried that the marigolds I've been growing won't flower. Last year more than half of them never flowered. Is there anything I can do to encourage flowering?
I'm worried that the marigolds I've been growing won't flower. Last year more than half of them never flowered. Is there anything I can do to encourage flowering?
Hi Pajaro, A little more info would help.
Where did you plant the marigolds that did not bloom?
Did you purchase these, or start them from seed?
Spacing...how close were they planted
soil prep and fertilization routine...
Marigold plants like rich well drained soil; but are to average or slightly poor soils. Improving your soil quality will produce much healthier plants and flowers, so add plenty of compost. fertilize about once a month.
Once established, they should grow well, even if left unattended. Soil should be moist, but not wet. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week
No matter what you may have heard elsewhere..for a plant to produce abundant blooms-season long...
When they start to bloom, the spent flowers MUST be picked off (called Dead Heading) to keep the plant blooming...
Pests are normally not a problem, as marigolds are often interplanted here to repel certain garden pests..However, it is not unusual for Slugs to hide out under the plants, and they do eat them occasionally
Give us a little more info and I am sure someone here can help
I tried them in amongst the tomatoes and peppers so I guess those did not get enough sun and maybe the other plants were using all the nutrients. I also tried them in bare spots in the strawberry patch. I think the soil could have been better. I've added composted manure and should have more organic compost ready to add soon. What do I fertilize with - Miracle Grow?