This is officially my first time posting on a blog board! I have several questions. First of all I am moving from an apartment without even a patio to a wonderful house complete with front flower garden. I am a gardening nut and have taken to apartment gardening where I have tomatoes, peppers, carrots... etc! Now I'm going this thur to dig up the ugly over grown garden at the new house and I was wondering even though it is July if there was anything worth planting in it? I already have a lovely hydrangea bush in there but everything else is weeded over. Any ideas would be much valued.
Also! I have to move all of my many plants to the new home... I have a sun room in the apartment for all of them (all being vegetable plants), and will not have room indoors for them all to continue growing. Can I plant these out back into the earth? They are fairly mature plants, some even bearing fruit. If not can I leave them in their pots out back? I am just concerned because they have never been outside let alone in the rain...
That's all any ideas/tips/comments would be greatly appreciated!