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Thread: Slight Water Flooding in the Spring

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  1. #1


    So the alternate system for posting the graphic didn't work either, but it doesn't really matter. I think that I have described the water problem well enough - I just need advice on the kind of water pump that I need for this situation.


  2. #2


    Are there real live people who look at this posting or is this a forum for zombies only who look but can't respond?


  3. #3


    Water does run downhill.

    Install a sump pump.

    Remove a few boards, dig a well beneat the deck, put the pump into the well. Run the hose out to wherever, and reinstall the boards (perhaps on a hinge for maintenance).

  4. #4


    Thanks very much for that reply Chris. Not to be too finicky but I don't see the need to rip up boards and dig holes although I can see that this would definitely do the trick. When this problem first manifested I used a ShopVac to deal with it, as I have said before. I was hoping to do the same sort of thing with a pump - manually vacuum up the sheet of water accumulating on the floor but instead of me shlepping the water to the back of the backyard, the pump would do the work. Do you know if there are pumps like this - where the person essentially vacuums up the water and the pump throws it out to a remote site?


    John, Whitehorse, Yukon

  5. #5


    not a site/issue you see everyday
    [URL=""]Landscaping - Irrigation[/URL]

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