Plant them whenever, it doesn't matter.

The heat & humidity is what gets the bulbs, not the plants. If you left the bulbs out of the ground in a hot and humid location they'd rot.

Hmm... now... one issue is this.. Bulbs typically work like this.

1. Energy from last season is used to create this year's growth/flower, bulb shrinks.
2. Energy pulled from the sun/roots by this year's growth grows new bulbs off the sides of the old one, bulbs grow.
3. Plant dies down in fall, in spring, new bulbs grow, now you have two (or three) where there was 1.

The problem is, you might be picking them here halfway between 1 and 2 which means the bulbs may be very immature. If you could dig and plant them on the same day I'd recommend just cutting back the foliage to like 18 inches high, and digging the root ball up, dirt and all, and move it to the new location.

Otherwise, just be warned, the bulbs you pull out may be small.

But basically, keep them dry and cool and DARK while out of the ground. When replanting, make sure to water well.