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Thread: Compost Bin

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    PA mountains

    Default meat in compost pile

    You will still get compost if you add meat, but you must watch that it is not attracting rodents. In the future, avoid adding meat, dairy and processed foods to your compost bin. You definitely want worms in your compost pile as they will aerate your garden soil. Good luck!

    Rose White, author
    "Easy Gardens A to Z"
    Last edited by Rose White; 02-11-2010 at 08:22 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Compost

    I chuck in ripped up cardboard, shredded documents, grass clippings, weeds, all vegetable waste, egg cartons, dead flowers but defo avoid meat and dairy. Paper and cardboard are good for creating air pockets and keeping the nasty smells of decomposition at bay.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    PA mountains

    Smile compost additions

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan Moon View Post
    I chuck in ripped up cardboard, shredded documents, grass clippings, weeds, all vegetable waste, egg cartons, dead flowers but defo avoid meat and dairy. Paper and cardboard are good for creating air pockets and keeping the nasty smells of decomposition at bay.
    Adding torn cardboard and shredded paper to the compost sounds like an excellent idea. The perfect way to recycle!

    Rose White, author of
    Easy Gardens A to Z

  4. #4
    New Users
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    New Orleans


    I use cardboard in my garden and my compost piles. For the garden, simply lay it between the rows and cover it with grass clippings, leaves etc. This will keep the weeds down and help preserve soil moisture. I'll take my lawnmower and after tearing up the cardboard into smaller pieces, I'll run over it with the mower to shred it before putting it in the piles.

    For you folks that are ilde due to winter weather and want to start preparing your spring plot, take the cardboard thing a bit farther and lay it over the entire area and layer it with leaves, grass, manure and let it compost over the winter. By springtime the stuff will be ready to turn into your soil for some much appreciated organic matter. Plus, most weeds should be long dead by then.

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