Does anyone know the best flowers to plant in your garden to attract an array of various butterfly species?
Does anyone know the best flowers to plant in your garden to attract an array of various butterfly species?
I'm not sure about your own area Angelicwriter, but where I am I have lavender and buddlia in my garden which attract many many butterflies and other insects.
We have few of these lavendars and lilies, not sure which one of those both attract these butterflies.
I hope that this information will help you. Basically nectar-rich plants attract butterflies. Plants like; Buddleia, A nettle patch (somewhere discreet for caterpillars) Bluebell, Honeysuckle, Hyssop, St John's Wort, Sweet William, Thyme, Yellow primrose, Grape, Hyacinth, Honesty, Candytuft, Ice plant, Helychrisum, Snapdragon, Sweet Pea and Lupine. There are of course, other plants the list goes on.
I imagine that the types of plants would depend on your location. Black Eyed Susans, Asters, and Coneflowers are said to draw butterflies
Here is a site that has more information!
I never knew that there were actual plants or flowers that specifically attracted butterflies. I think that it would be great to have a butterfly garden.
Basically...what I know attracts butterflies is as mickie said nectar rich flowers...but even if you do not really know which ones to can always have a variety of different colored flowers...because butterflies are attracted by the color...scent and ofcourse the nectar...
even if you have five different flower plants in pots...butterflies are most likely to come...
Do you think the same kinds of flowers that attract bees and hummingbirds would be the same ones to attract butterflies?
I think colorful flowers![]()
[B][URL=""]Sectional Sofas[/URL][/B]
I guess those flowers which contains such sweet nectar and pollens. I think that those brilliant colors of the flower are what attract them the most.
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