I have heard that they have come out with a rose without thorns. I have never investigated this so I am not positive of it. But it does not seem right to have a rose without the thorns. It just wouldn't seem like a rose.
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There are a couple of varieties of rose bushes that do not have thorns, and they are very beautiful. A nursery will have your best selection and even some helpful advice with planting and maintaining your new rose bush.
I want thorns, the bigger and more painful the better! The fence that it will cover is at the end of our back garden and we have had problems with intruders coming over the fence in the past so anything that puts them off is fine by me.
I have chosen my rose now, Zepherine Droughin because it should cope with the shade better than some of the others.
If that is the case, I would definitely suggest bougainvillea as the plant you want. You have to train them on the fence where you want them. But they have thorns as long as your thumb and they hurt! The only problem with them is that when their leaves turn red and fall off, they blow everywhere. If you don't mind raking your yard then this is the plant you want.
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There are various kinds of rose plants ones which have thorns and some don't but they look very beautiful. I am not sure of which kinds does possess sharp thorns.
Thanks Roguegal, I would love to grow bougainvillea but it will not grow outside in my area. Maybe that will change in time the way climate change seems to be going.
So true, the climate is changing everywhere. Have you thought about the Hummingbird vine? I have seen them and they are absolutely beautiful. Hummingbirds do come to them as well.
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i love roses too much