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Thread: I am looking for some advice.

  1. #1

    Default I am looking for some advice.

    Hello everyone, my name is Ava. I am looking for some advice. I am a high school student, and I would like to become a nurse. I love that divine profession. I study in a school here in Toronto, called Cestar high school. After schooling, I am thinking to get into a graduation course in nursing. But I am quite confused about it and don't know if it's a good idea to go for. What do you guys think about it? Please let me know your valuable suggestions.

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Hello Ava,

    I think it's a great profession and if you really like it, go for it. You can try to apply to Humber College - they offer a bachelor of Nursing. Or there's a good chance to join the online program of Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing (Bachelor and Master Programs). You may also write me an essay sample of your motivation letter or resume, I can check it.

  4. #4


    Great choice Elizza, do some research to make sure it's the right thing for you.

  5. #5


    If you need help writing a paper, there are many online services available to assist you to do my paper These services provide a team of experienced writers who can craft a high-quality and original paper tailored to your specific needs. By using a paper writing service, you can save time and reduce the stress of writing a complex paper yourself. Additionally, you will receive a well-researched paper that meets all the requirements and guidelines of your assignment. However, it is important to choose a reputable and trustworthy service that delivers original work and meets your specific requirements. Always check for reviews and testimonials before choosing a paper writing service.

  6. #6


    My advice for a nursing coursework is to start with a clear plan! Identify the main topic and break the work into stages: collecting materials, analyzing information, writing and checking. This will help to avoid chaos and not putting everything off until the last minute.

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