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View Full Version : hello and a question about popies?

02-06-2012, 06:47 AM
Hello, new here! http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae216/Detta_Sue/Smiley%20Pad%20Hello/hi-g.gif

I have a question about transplanting poppies. I just bought 6 8inch pots of poppies from wal-mart and I am a bit uneasy about transplanting them. The Lady at the store was no help. :rolleyes:

We have had a VERY mild winter, almost non-exisitant, but every now and then we have a a night around freezing.

First question is does anyone know if poppies transplant well? Also should I wait until it gets a bit warmer? Most days are between 60 and 75, but a few cooler around 50 and like I said occasionally a night near freezing.

The tag says hardy to -40,. Now I know at a cold enough temp I will lose the blooms and foliage, but will they come back again this year or not untill next?

LOL guess I should have chose something I know more about but they are so lovely and I've never had much luck with them from seed.

Thanks for any help and looking forward to being a part of this community!

02-07-2012, 09:42 PM
Well I held my breath and left them outside last night and it got down to 38% F. They were fine this morning. So I think in a week or so (when my back will allow!) I'll go ahead and put them in the ground. I guess I can alwys cover them if we do get some freezes!

I would still appreciate any advice though! http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae216/Detta_Sue/Smiley%20Pad%20Yes-No/girl_yes3241.gif

http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae216/Detta_Sue/Smiley Pad Sigs/Tex9as9red1716.gif

Mr Yan
02-09-2012, 12:23 AM
Sorry I can't help ya here and people posting on this forum are getting sparse. Now if these were a veg I would have jumped right in. I guess with processing they could be a cash crop though....

03-12-2012, 05:01 PM
Make sure, if you have not yet planted them, that they are in an area that gets a least 6 hours of sunlight I believe they can thrive year round. I would like to know if you have planted them yet and how they are doing if you don't mind my asking?