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View Full Version : Looking for a yellow clamatis

Cody Wellard
06-17-2011, 10:15 PM
Looking for some ideas for planting a yellow clamatis. It will get full sun and have an arbour to climb on. Would love suggestions or photos of one that you have grown:) I already have a dark purple clamatis growing on the arbour and would like to mix it up with a yellow one.
Cody Wellard

06-20-2011, 02:14 PM
Sorry Cody. I only have one Clematis. It's a blue-ish purple color. The variety is called "The President." But i bet yellow would look gorgeous with your current one.

Mine gets sun from about 10:30am to around 7pm. Its growing up a trellis and is planted in an area that is very well drained but get's plenty of water. I moved it to this spot 2 seasons ago and it really seems to have taken off. I may need to get a bigger trellis! :)

Cody Wellard
03-05-2012, 07:31 PM
I have continued my search for a yellow clematis and have found a nursery who is bringing one in for me this spring. My plan is to still plant it with my purple clematis. Will take photos when they are in bloom.
Cody Wellard

03-07-2012, 06:24 PM
Nice! That's good news Cody. Looking forward to seeing some pics. Hope it takes off for you! :)

04-02-2012, 02:24 PM
Hello if you are still looking to a clemitas, I saw a few different color at a Fred's store. Not sure if they have those in your area or not tho...