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View Full Version : I need help to grow some culinary herbs in water crystals

09-18-2009, 06:52 AM

I have a contemporary flat, and I'd like to try growing some culinary herbs in water crystals (http://www.watercrystals.com/soillessplants.htm) or an

equivalent without soil.

Do anyone have any experience of this?

Is it possible to grow plants from seed this way? If I have a clear vase, will the seeds become confused by 'clear' soil?

Many thanks in advance,


09-18-2009, 09:16 PM

Why not just get potting mix?

Those crystals don't stay nice and white and clear, over time they get greenish brown as they start to decay.

Anyways, growing in water alone is called hydroponics. Growing in air is called aeroponics. Both require specific equipment and nutrients.

12-12-2009, 08:41 PM
I agree with Chris. You can successfully grow herbs indoors with just a small pot with a little well drained potting soil.

12-16-2009, 04:51 PM
Tom - did you decide yet on your indoor herb garden? You can grow lots of herbs in a single pot or two.

12-24-2009, 06:57 PM
A while back I got into herb gardening and love it. I got so interested that I began to write(something I seldom do) about herb gardening. I started a squidoo lens to talk about my herb gardening adventures and someone suggested posting in on Digg(whatever that is) to get more people interested in the topic. Please take a look at my "Digg" and click on the digg button. Thanks for helping get the word out about the joys of herb gardening.