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View Full Version : Blueberry Tree Blooming

05-16-2008, 06:26 PM
Hi everyone! :) I recently purchased a blueberry tree for my backyard over a month ago. It had several blooms and berries when I brought it home. It's been about four weeks and now it's full of berries is a safe to pick them or do I really have to wait until mid August?

05-18-2008, 04:13 PM
Its awesome to hear that your blue berries have bloomed.I would also plant one in my lawn.

07-21-2008, 02:14 PM
Hi everyone! :) I recently purchased a blueberry tree for my backyard over a month ago. It had several blooms and berries when I brought it home. It's been about four weeks and now it's full of berries is a safe to pick them or do I really have to wait until mid August?

I would pick when they are ripe. Here in S. jersey that is usually in mid-late july.

09-26-2008, 11:11 PM
I have been struggling with my two blueberries for two years now. Very slow growth. I am hoping next year they will take off. I have specific southern rabbitteye varieties for TN and I have spruced up the soil considerably. You know, this year I actually got a sucker growing from one of them, however, they have not grown in height. I have put pine needles as mulch this summer and that works so much better than the regular mulch. The pine needles seem to keep the moisture much better. I would like to hear others success stories with blueberries and what they have done. Mine are not quite a success story.

12-27-2008, 08:20 AM
Congrats blueberries rock. If they taste good, eat them before the birds do..quick! hehe (to good to waste)