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05-13-2008, 09:23 PM
has anyone of you tried growing watermelons before? while i haven't tried growing them, i have fond of memories of watermelons (back in my childhood) lying in our garden soil,just a few feet from our yellow bell tree.

my mother said they just accidentally grew there 'coz she just threw some seeds of watermelons to the earth, only half-hoping that they would grow. okay, so it wasn't really an accident, but still, she didn't give it much attention so it was really a surprise to us when they suddenly sprouted from the earth.

do you guys know some careful considerations in growing watermelons? i'd love to try growing them in my own garden now.

05-13-2008, 09:28 PM
I myself have never tried to grow watermelons. But I have a neighbor that grows them every year. I guess that is why we haven't grown any. Because is always giving us watermelon.

05-14-2008, 04:58 PM
I grow them each year, and never tire of having fresh fruit available. They keep well thankfully, so we don't have to eat too much at once!

We grow them at the top of a slope so they grow down hill and hide the slope. We do have to watch out for mildew if the weather is damp, and plant them early enough that they get enough sun to ripen at the end.

05-16-2008, 07:13 PM
We tried growing them when I was younger and they ended up on the small side and not that great. We put a lot of effort in, so I haven't tried since...just doesn't seem worth it.

05-19-2008, 07:23 PM
has anyone of you tried growing watermelons before? while i haven't tried growing them, i have fond of memories of watermelons (back in my childhood) lying in our garden soil,just a few feet from our yellow bell tree.

my mother said they just accidentally grew there 'coz she just threw some seeds of watermelons to the earth, only half-hoping that they would grow. okay, so it wasn't really an accident, but still, she didn't give it much attention so it was really a surprise to us when they suddenly sprouted from the earth.

do you guys know some careful considerations in growing watermelons? i'd love to try growing them in my own garden now.

That's an easiest way of growing watermelons I guess, throwing out the seeds. This happened with us too in case of grapes. I'm not sure how they grew but one fine day we found grapes to the tree in our backyard.

05-21-2008, 07:56 PM
Water melons require heat preserving measures and you will need plastic mulches, drip irrigation, row covers and wind protection. Watermelon vines are easily affected by air pollution also.

05-24-2008, 03:01 PM
Water melons require heat preserving measures and you will need plastic mulches, drip irrigation, row covers and wind protection. Watermelon vines are easily affected by air pollution also.

Depends where you live Mickie!!

they do need plenty of light to ripen, so if you don't have a long growing season then you will probably need to start them off with all over those things in order to ensure that there is still plenty of light for them to ripen in later in the season.

05-24-2008, 08:47 PM
I have had pumpkins grow that way just by throwing the seed on the ground. I have never had any luck getting watermelons to grow. I really don't know why because they are suppoused to grow real well in the area I am at.