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View Full Version : redo backyard

04-08-2016, 04:19 AM
I am planning to redo my backyard and I am confused as to what should be done. I feel constructing a patio and swimming pool would be an excellent option. What do you guys feel? And how would it be like to have to pool side garden too? Please input you valuable ideas and suggestion. Thanks a ton!

05-17-2016, 08:43 AM
I recently had my backyard remodeled. If you are looking to built a swimming pool then it is good to go for a vinyl lined one or a gunite concrete. Having a garden next to your pool would make it more homely and pleasing to the eye. Gazebos add a wooden charm to your poolside area. Putting a small table in it and sipping coffee next to it can be a real delight in the mornings. Having a outdoor fireplace is also not a bad idea. Having one near your pool can increase your entertaining capabilities. If you live somewhere arid it is good if you have a cactus garden too. It is easy to plant and adds a nice touch to your backyard. Throwing in a few sands can make it more cooler. If you want to look for more ideas you can just refer this article from solda pools that mention best landscaping ideas for around the pool.

07-15-2016, 09:23 AM
I had done a backyard redo a few years back. To make your backyard more green you could hang plants along your fence. Being amongst nature can make you feel more relaxed. Hanging plants will give you the illusion of being surrounded by nature and makes your backyard more secluded and private at the same time.Gardening has found to be a great stress reliever so tend your garden by growing more vegetables, fruits and herbs, preferably your favorite ones as this will make your backyard look more pleasing and relaxing. You could even consider adding a patio in your backyard. A patio is a great place to sit back and relax and it is a great place to host summer parties and bbqs as well.Add a pool in your backyard. I have a pool in my backyard that was build by Ferrari pools it gives a more relaxing and soothing atmosphere to your backyard. You could even try putting up some globe lights or getting a hammock.

Pop Alexandra
05-25-2017, 09:56 AM
I have a small pool and I don't regret it at all. There's gonna be a bit of worked involved, but it will be worth it.

07-20-2017, 05:04 AM
I think take the help from a professional.

Shivani Adams
03-04-2018, 04:40 PM
Hi everyone,

My husband & I are located in Southern California, and we made a garden video (a long-awaited project) to share our 4 year adventure —> turning our grass yard into a food forest!
We created a Youtube channel (Grow Create Films) … and slowly we will be adding videos re: ecology / sustainability / nutrition & people reconnecting with Earth again.

Check it out…and, enjoy!
